Wow after months of trouble trying to get into this i am..struggling to put in words the random ideas in my head for the last hour while trying out random passwords.. It's just so secure that I can't even guess my own password. With all the hacking technologies this days, can't be too careless can I?
I recall reading something about how you can tell the person's priority in life just by looking closely to the email addresses they use: the screen name and the passwords they use.. its either the exact words that describes their life or the other way around- the exact opposite. Which do you think is mine??
Its so easy to lose yourself in the cyber world, being in contact with people that you haven't seen for ages and even those you haven't seen at all.
Its like going to a place where nobody knows you personally. Therefore you can feel so free that you don't have to worry about what people will say or think about you if they see you doing this or that.. besides they don't even know you at all so they don't have a point of comparison to be able to tell whether you're being better or worst from the last time they remember you.
An example I can give now is from a news i read this month. Its about a professor who got kicked out of the school he was teaching when the students found his naked pictures in a Gay dating site.
Apparently the students found a weird sort of name at the bottom of thee slide show page prepared by the professor during a lecture. The students got curious and googled the said name and boom!! They saw their professor's profile saying that he is gay; dating gays and stuff like that with photos of his naked body. It turned out that the word at the bottom of the slide was his user name for the gay dating site. Later some student passed the information to the school admin and the professor was removed from the school.
Imagine how all those people around you feel and think when they were filling out the Internet forms where they chose a user name and passwords..
Want to know someone deeper? Give it a try? Crack the password and break the code!