Few days after obtaining my last requirement for the passport application, I went to Department of Foreign Affair (DFA) in Pasay with my friend Charry and just get it over with.
I was told that you have to be there as early as you can because if you're going to be there at around 7a.m. , all you can get is a schedule of appointment for the next day or who knows when?..We as soon as we finished our shift at 3:30a.m. thinking that we're gonna be early enough to beat the crowd.
On our way Charry was reminding me of things to do and to ignore the fixers outside the compound. I've never been to DFA and I don't even know how it actually looks like so that's a really big help. Thanks Cha! :)
I was surprised to see that the road outside the DFA brick wall was so buy and I could have had mistaken it for a pier port because of the ambiance. the bright yellow light; all the people roaming the street; the guys yelling at people like barkers/porters saying " O bilisan nyo na magka-cut off na and DFA!! " I was thinking " What the heck? Its only like past 4a.m. and they're already cutting the line? " and some guys started dragging us to a corner store asking if we have all of our requirements already and if we already have copies and pictures and stuff like that.
They would really put the pressure on you and make you think that they really were part of the DFA process when in reality they were trying to scam the people by overcharging with the services. (You know the supply and demand thing).
Unluckily Cha didn't make it inside the DFA compound because they only allow applicants with enough requirement for either new application or renewal of passport. We both agreed that she'll wait outside until 6a.m. and will go home after and we'll just communicate through text.
I walked in expecting that I'll just go straight to the covered basketball court since its still early. To my surprised the basketball court was already filled and I have to wait in line outside. I had no other choice so I waited for more than 2 hours just to get in and another 3 hours to finish the whole precess.Good thing that I secured all the documents and didn't get my picture from the sidewalk where the fixers are.
As a tip I would suggest future applicants to secure all their papers and jump right into the line inside the court since its more convenient. While waiting you can befriend someone whose sitting right beside so that you can secure your line/ seat (which is always moving as the process goes).
Don't bother getting your pictures and stuff photo-copied outside the compound because there are booths setup inside for those needs. Make sure you don't give them your originals unless the instructions said so. In My case they took the originals of authenticated Birth Certificate and NBI clearance.
In the posters everywhere it says the "rush" which cost P750.00 will be done within 14 working days and the "regular " that cost P500.00 will be ready within a month. So I picked the faster one. Ironically at the end of my process the posted schedules for the rush is more that how ever long its supposed to be.
I didn't really care much at that time. Out of exhaustion and lack of sleep I decided to sign up for the delivery service via LBC or To-Go !which only cost me an extra hundred or so but will save me from the struggles of claiming it personally.